BaCK to School (formerly known as the “Backpack Program”) supports learners throughout Chatham-Kent getting the things they need to ensure a great start to the school year.

BaCK to School offers a range of gift cards allowing students to address their unique needs.

Parents, guardians, and service providers can register Chatham-Kent school-age children for the program.

Funding of $50 is available for each eligible student/child.

Registration is open from July 12th, 2021 to August 20, 2021 or until funds run out.

Register here:

BaCK to School Program is offered by Chatham-Kent Children’s Services, in partnership with United Way of Chatham-Kent, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, TekSavvy, and Staples. This year, the program is led by the CK Social Planning & Action Tables Youth Table.