VON Chatham-Kent and the Chatham-Kent United Way are excited to announce that effective September 11, 2018, the VON Kids’ Circle program will be moving into the Chatham-Kent United Way offices located at 425 McNaughton Avenue, Chatham Ontario. VON Chatham-Kent has been in partnership with the Chatham-Kent United Way for 70 years.
“We value our longstanding and ongoing partnership with United Way Chatham-Kent and look forward to this move. The Kids’ Circle program continues to grow and the space that ‘The 425’ offers will accommodate existing clients as well as future ones. ‘The 425’ also includes access to a variety of meeting rooms which will allow us to enhance our group programming. Alongside United Way Chatham-Kent, we look forward to continuing to serve the children and teens of Chatham-Kent together”, says Nicole Hunter – District Manager Care and Service, VON ESC.
“When we learned that the VON Kids’ Circle program was outgrowing its current space, we were most pleased to work with the team to help create a new home for the program at ‘The 425’. ‘The 425’ was built for this – to allow nonprofits to come together, share services and operate with a higher degree of efficiency while also benefiting from the synergy of working under the same roof. Needless to say, we’re excited to be evolving our partnership with the VON and are proud to be able to help them grow their capacity to support families in need of their services in our community”, said Steve Pratt, Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Chatham-Kent.
For more information about VON Support Services, visit: voneriestclair.ca/chatham-kent
About Kids’ Circle Program:
The Kids’ Circle program is a unique charitable program that specializes in illness and bereavement support for children and teens at no cost to the client. Kids’ Circle provides bereavement support in one-on-one and group settings for children (under the age of 19), who are facing the loss of a loved one, have lost a loved one or experiencing a life threatening illness themselves. The program is offered throughout the entire Municipality of Chatham-Kent including strong ties to its’ First Nations communities. The focus of the Kids’ Circle program is to provide an environment where they can feel safe to share their feelings. This support is delivered in a variety of settings including home, school, hospital and supportive care sessions offered at the VON office.
About VON Canada:
Established in 1897, VON is Canada’s longest-standing home and community health care charity, delivering a wide range of vital health and wellness services to more than 10,000
people in Ontario and Nova Scotia every day. VON is accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada.
About VON Chatham-Kent:
VON has been touching lives of residents throughout the Municipality of Chatham-Kent since 1938. VON’s Community and Home Support programs allow residents in our community to remain independent in their homes for as long as possible. VON offers programs for all ages. Our Visiting Nursing and Home Support programs provide services from prenatal to end of life care. Community Support programs serve clients ages 4 to 18 through the Kid’s Circle program and from 18 years to end of life through Supportive Care Volunteer Visiting, Volunteer Visiting, Security Checks, SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Senior’s Exercise, & Falls Prevention program (In Home, R&R Homes and Community Groups), Chronic Pain Assessment and Referral Program and the Ontario Student Nutrition Program.